Thursday, March 06, 2008

Time for My Annual Rant

Well, one of them, anyway. This one is about Daylight Saving Time. I HATE it!! I hate Shabbos ending so late you can't do anything on Motzei Shabbos. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Shabbos. I just hate when it ends for freaking late. I live in Ohio, which is pretty much (other than MIchigan) the farthest west EST stretches, which makes Shabbos end in the summer pretty close to 10 PM.

Now, I can understand states that are further east in their time zones, like California, or Illinois. There, the day ends relatively earlier than in other states and I can understand wanting to extend the day (even though I STILL disagree with it). But states that are far west in their time zones?! That's just ridiculous. It doesn't do anything for the economy, and despite urban legends to the contrary, farmers do NOT like it. That's right. You thought it was because farmers love it so much because they can work longer hours, but it's JUST NOT TRUE!!

So, all it does here is make the day just drag out longer and longer. As an example. The latest Shabbos ends in LA is about 8:50 PM PDT in early June. The latest it ends in Cleveland is 9:46 PM EDT. In other words, if we DIDN'T have to change the clocks, Shabbos here would end just about the same time as it ends in LA, at 8:46 PM (only four minutes earlier than shabbos ends in LA). I think maybe it's time for individual states to reevaluate whether Daylight Saving Time is even necessary or desired by most residents. Personally, I think it's just a waste of time...

1 comment:

cool yiddishe mama said...


As your neighbor, I absolutely agree that this increase in daylight savings time in just another one of Bush's "brillant" ideas. This year, it pushes the reading of the Megillah even later in the evening, thus prolonging the fast if one did not wake up early in the morning.

Not related to this post, though. I started a new blog. I have just not had much to say over at coolyiddishemama and happily let you take your rightful place among the provacative J-bloggers. This blog explores cooking for people on "special diets" (gluten-free, sugar-free) while staying healthy and still keeping kosher.

I will start posting recipes soon. Check it out at