Monday, March 24, 2008

Rabbi Adlerstein WON'T Own Up to His Own Statements...

So, to follow-up on my putting Rabbi Adlerstein on the spot, here and here, I'm sorry to disappoint, though I'm not terribly surprised, that not only did my second comment, putting Rabbi Adlerstein on the spot about "rabbi" Don Segal, not get answered, it didn't even make the moderator's cut.

It must be so nice that when a tough question comes along, one they'd prefer ignore and completely NOT acknowledge at all, all they have to do is delete the comment.

I call it cowardice and not taking responsibility.

So, I reposted on Cross (Loving)-Currents:

Dear Rabbi Adlerstein,

I’m not sure I understand why my second comment, a response to your own comment to me, was deleted. Perhaps it was by mistake, so I’m going to re-post it:

With all due respect, Rabbi Adlerstein, I’m sure you’ve read about Rabbi Don Segal and his remarks about the massacre (see here if you haven’t.. Apparently, Rabbi Segal is a major figure in the Yeshiva world and his comments have been verified. Yet to say what he said was indeed beneath contempt. And even the YATED denounced this statement. I’m just curious why, since this is such a off-the-wall statement, why Rabbi Segal wouldn’t be considered “beyond the pale.” This is no more a correct thing to say than a Reform Jew claiming Torah is man-written and not in any way from Hashem. So, again, why is Rabbi Segal not “Beyond the Pale?” Is it because he’s considered Orthodox? How is a statement like this NOT “beyond the pale?”

I’m not asking these questions because I’m obstinate. I’m asking because I want to know, I REALLY want to know, why Rabbi Segal’s comments, and therefore Rabbi Segal himself, would NOT be considered “beyond the pale?” Why is it only people to the left but not the right who are considered “beyond the pale?”

If you hesitate to answer here, I’d be happy to converse with you via email. I can be reached at (my email address, which is available on my profile...)
Just gotta wait and see, but I have the feeling this comment's going to be deleted as well...

Updated: I added the following comment:
Oh, and before my comment gets deleted again by the moderators, I'd like to remind you of your own comments policy: "The moderation of comments is not intended to stifle debate, but to keep it constructive. Comments entirely critical of positions taken by our contributors and of the Orthodox center to right-of-center ideologies we represent will be published. We believe in a way of life that can survive scrutiny and critique. It will be our job to respond."

I firmly believe Rabbi Segal's comments were very DEStructive, not CONStructive and would very much like to hear why and how his comments could be defended. Simply deleting my comments is NOT in keeping with your policy of constructive critique, and is certainly not in keeping with your belief   "in a way of life that can survive scrutiny and critique. It will be our job to respond."

Thank you.
Let's wait and see what happens. I'll comment more here if my comments get deleted again...

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