Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Medical Circle-Jerk

Well, here I am, back to square one with my weight. I've tried dieting more times than I care to admit. Far too many. My latest attempts have borne no fruit at all. My last semi-successful attempt was last spring, when I lost a whole twenty pounds. Beyond that, no matter what I did, I could lose no more. And I've gained plenty since then.

So, I decided to look into bariatric surgery. I've spoken to people who've had success with it. They've been very happy. Yes, it DOES mean a lifestyle change, but it's one that is forced, that gives you no choice, and that's what I need at this point. Knowing intellectually that the obesity is bad is one thing. But KNOWING doesn't mean DOING, and no matter how much I know, I can't seem to lose the weight.

Well, I spoke to the financial people at a couple oaf major locations in my city, all on top lists for bariatrics. And it's just too expensive. Oh, sure, our insurance covers it. Up to $10,000. Seems good, huh? No. Not really. The surgery costs anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000 and, since it's "considered" elective, is NOT eligible for financial aid.

Which brings me right back to where I was before. Screwed. And, by the insurance company so magnanimously covering UP to $10,000, they are actually insuring themselves that most people, unless they can REALLY afford the other $10,000-$30,000, simply won't go the route of bariatric surgery.

And yet, the insurance STILL won't cover ANY medically supervised weight loss.

This is called CIRCLE JERK. And yes, I DO know what the term LITERALLY means. I'm referring to being jerked around and feeling like I'm just going around and around in a never ending loop. Or circle.

Which brings me back to this post.

Oh, and in speaking with my congresswoman's office, well, you kinda get the idea they don't really give a damn either...

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