Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Looks Like We Might Have Predicted Correctly...

Should Hillary win, it seems my wife and I might have predicted correctly:

Meanwhile, Hillary Rodham Clinton is hinting at the possibility of sharing the Democratic presidential ticket with Barack Obama, but says voters still have to decide the party nominee.

Clinton says: "That may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of ticket. I think the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me."
This would actually be pretty amazing. It would completely unify the Democratic Party as it hasn't been unified in ages, and things will actually get DONE to fix this country's woes! Can you imagine hopefully at least SIXTEEN years of having Democratic presidents (and yes, I know my Republican friends out there think that would just suck!)? That'd be great! The last time there was a long Democratic rule (FDR/Truman - 1933-1953 - TWENTY years!!), this country prospered beautifully! We came out of the Great Depression, helped save the world from Hitler, and things were quite good on many fronts. I think the only major mistake there was Korea, but hey! That gave us MASH, my ALL-TIME favorite show (ok, MASH was to protest Vietnam, but the SETTING was Korea!).

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