Monday, March 24, 2008

Media Stupidity

This is where the media goes stupid (OK, one of MANY ways). Is it REALLY necessary, every time someone involved in one candidate's campaign or another has a screw-up, regardless of its severity, for the media to after it like it's hot news? I mean, COME ON!! So this guy got arrested for drunk driving and is going to plead guilty. Congratulations! Isn't there something more important to report, like the fact the George W. Bush is now responsible for the murders of four thousand soldiers and up to nearly ninety thousand Iraqi citizens? Isn't that just a LITTLE MORE newsworthy?


Kylopod said...

Is there some subtle point in your linking to an AP article from the Washington Times?

Just wondering.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Not really. It's just when I link directly from Yahoo!, the link doesn't work after a short period of time. I'm experimenting to see if links from the news agency that provided to Yahoo! lasts longer.