Thursday, March 13, 2008

Harry Potter

As I reported when I first read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (the seventh and final book), I was very disappointed in it. It was pretty boring, and in over seven hundred pages, about three or four hundred were spent with not a whole lot, if anything, happening. And the ending was a typical, stock, used and reused ending. Nothing surprising. Nothing shocking. Just a stock, "Ok, we're done," ending.

Now, E! Entertainment is reporting when they make the movie, it will be in two parts:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book from J.K. Rowling's mega-selling series, will be made into not one, but two, movies.
Now, unless they make these movies incredibly short (and you KNOW it's just a marketing gimmick to get more ticket sales and keep milking the Harry Potter cow), I'm not sure how this would work. Like I said, pretty much NOTHING happened during half of the book except for Harry bouncing around from place to place, avoiding some baddies and eavesdropping on conversations.

But, hey! The movie industry is an old hand at milking these cash cows, so I'm sure they'll find a way. I certainly will NOT be seeing them at the theater, and will probably wait quite a while before I see them at home...

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