Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dad Update

So, my father is recovering in MICU (that's Medical Intensive Care Unit) at the hospital. He's awake and talking. And he got some more bad news today. Turns out he's got stage 3 cancer, which means he's going to have to go through about four weeks of chemo therapy.

I told a friend of ours who is a lawyer the whole morbid story. I asked her opinion about a lawsuit, and she said it does sound like me might have a case, at the VERY least against the insurance company. She works for a firm that has a branch office in Las Vegas (where my dad lives) and is going to try and help find a malpractice lawyer out there. Thanks, K!!! :)

So, should anyone out there feel like praying for my dad, his name is Yaakov Aharon HaKohen ben Esther.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

refua shleyma for your father.