Friday, September 19, 2008

Somebody's REALLY Power Hungry...

And it AIN'T John McSucker:

WASHINGTON - The What and What administration?

Sarah Palin flipped the Republican presidential ticket around this week when she spoke about things the "Palin and McCain administration" would do in office.

To be sure, the vice presidential candidate is the top draw at joint rallies with her boss, presidential nominee John McCain. But he's still the top of the ticket and the one who gets to order the drapes in the Oval Office if they win.

Palin made the comment at a rally Thursday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, when she said she and McCain want to cut taxes for small business:
"That's exactly what we're gonna do in a Palin and McCain administration." Later in her speech, she reverted to the normal order in speaking about the "McCain-Palin administration."

Palin also referred to McCain as "my running mate" Friday in Green Bay, Wis., as she did twice in Iowa the day before. Vice presidential candidates are usually referred to as the running mates, no matter which one is speaking.
Hm. I wonder who would wear the pants in THAT relationship should, God forbid, John McSucker gets elected. Or should I say Sarah Palin gets elected?

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