An Article Obama and His Campaign Should Take to Heart
It'll pretty much guarantee him the win in November.
He's got to remember: It's NOT a done deal...
Anybody out there good at neck-rubs?
It'll pretty much guarantee him the win in November.
He's got to remember: It's NOT a done deal...
Posted by
Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People
8/06/2008 04:29:00 PM
Left Wing Modern Orthodox: 78%
Right Wing Modern Orthodox: 89%
Left Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 37%
Right Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 4%
This means you're: Modern Orthodox
What does it mean?
Congratulations. You're Modern Orthodox all right, but wait! Just when you were ready to live an idyllic happily-labeled life they announce Left Wing and Right Wing Modern Orthodoxy. What the heck is up with that? Maybe you need to rethink and refine some of your positions, and then take the test again so I can put you in a little box.
See? I'm not such a Kofer after all!!! :)
Interesting article; good analysis.
I've noticed a certain tortoise-and-the-hare quality throughout this election. In primary season, Barack was the tortoise and Hillary the hare: he slowly accumulated delegates from a range of smaller states to overtake a woman who thought her victory was inevitable. In the general election, the roles have been reversed. Everyone including the Obama team is assuming he's virtually won the election already. McCain has the potential to become the tortoise if Obama is too overconfident. (And by the way, I still think Obama is likely to win in the end anyway. It's just that he shouldn't leave it to fate.)
Correct. He really needs to start strengthening his positions and going on the offensive, even, at this point, negatively, if necessary (part of the four story hypothesis). With a close margin, the Republicans are likely to steal a third election in a row. With a clear majority, they just won't (or at least SHOULDN'T) be able to get away with it.
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