Thursday, May 29, 2008

Stupid Quote of the Day...

And the award goes to Jolaine Tracy of South Dakota:

"People don't like [Hillary] because she's a woman. Period. And that's ridiculous because there are women in power around the world," said Jolaine Tracy, a former South Dakota teacher.
No, Jolaine. People don't like her because she's Hillary. People NEVER liked her. She's a liar, a fake, and is completely incapable of telling the truth. Stop living in pre-1960s America. Voting for Hillary is not feminism. It's no longer about feminism. It's about what's best for this country, and frankly, Hillary just ain't it. If anything in this election, as my wife says, Barack Obama has been the more effeminate (in his demeanor), kinder, gentler voice of reason during this campaign, while Hillary has been the negative, more masculine, hit 'em with everything you've got no matter the cost, irrational, and aggressive manly candidate in the race.

In truth, had a woman candidate BEEN the better candidate, SHE'D be winning this contest. I'D have CERTAINLY voted for her, whoever she might have been, had she been the better candidate.

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