Friday, June 22, 2007

More Evidence That The Chareidi/Yeshivish World Is in the Process of Self-Destruction

I don't think I've ever discussed this aspect of the Yeshivish/Chareidi world here. This being the topic of education. What's been happening over the last generation or so is that the men in that world are groomed only to sit in Yeshiva and then Kollel all day while the women get educations and jobs.

In Israel, the situation come to the point, as this Ha'aretz article illustrates, where the men just sit and learn and the women are the breadwinners in the family. The women get the education, make the money, run the household.

But, oh, no!! The "Gedolim" in Israel (whose wives and daughters probably had to do the same thing - breadwinning) have caught on the women have gained, in the words of Ha'Aretz, an

accumulation of power, education and status at the men's expense - perhaps too much power, education and status.

This, at least, is one of the explanations for the revolution the rabbis are pushing to change the status of women in ultra-Orthodox society.
The "Gedolim" decided that women basically can't get an education beyond a teaching certificate (which will cause inferior education), and only teachers with a teaching certificate may teach at the seminaries. Those with Masters' degrees are disqualified. Pretty sad.

I'm not going to quote the whole article here. What I want to discuss is these peoples' self destruction.

Are these "rabbis" completely nuts?! Let's see. Less and less education (though apparently, at least for now, these girls will receive the same salaries as those with BA's, until those with BA's object, and rightfully so). Less chance to advance because the "rabbis" are scared of women with too much power. A burgeoning supply of teachers. Eventually, there will be too many teachers and not enough classroom. But, if these girls are only allowed to get a teaching certificate, what are they supposed to do? And this for fear of what? Another women's lib movement?

Come on, "rabbis!!" Knock it off. You can't have everything. Eventually, the complaints to the Education Ministry in Israel will eventually drown out your demands for the same salary for these poorly, through no fault of their own, educated women.

A prominent rabbi in Cleveland recently said there is no such thing as Gedolim any more. I agree with him. These "rabbis" running around act like anything but how a Gadol should act. They are scared of anything that doesn't fit into their little box.

They are, in essence, the Taliban of Judaism. I'm sorry. These people aren't rabbanim, talmidei chachamim, and certainly not gedolim. They are a bunch of little men with over-inflated egos who are scared of losing their power over their population.

The Chareidi/Yeshivish world, at least in Israel, though I'm sure the US will follow suit, is on the road to self-destruction. And you know what? The world will be a better place without them. As I've stated before, these people aren't frum, they just pretend to be. They pretend to internalize their Torah. They pretend to look frum. But their form or Judaism is no more a kosher form of Judaism than that of the Reform Movement. And at least the Refrom Jews are nice to other people...

Hattip: Emes Ve-Emunah.


Anonymous said...

Great post.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I have been bloging about this for years and people think the whole thing is a joke. There will be no one left laughing in 15 years from now when the charedi community is bankrupt and they are looking towrds us (even more so than now) to support them).

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

And when they do, the answer, at least from me, will be no. I have better things, more deserving causes I'd like to support.