Friday, June 29, 2007

Apple iPhone...

I just don't get it. According to this article, people are already lining up at Apple stores, this article specifically talking about the 5th ave. store in New York. The phone goes on sale this evening at 6 PM. People are waiting in line to buy a $500 or $600 phone that will probably be obsolete anyway sometime in the next 12 months. What's the point? So you can brag you were one of the first owners of an iPhone? Who the hell cares?! Within a year or so, these phones will probably be half the price and twice as good!

What a waste of money!


Mohan Mahesan said...

I fully agree with you. What is it that makes these people queue up? It's the "one up on you" disease isn't it? I don't give a monkeys what phone I carry!!!

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

As long as it works. And mine does just fine...:)

Anonymous said...

This is for people who want to "attain" a status by buying expensive goods. I got my gadgets (BB) to get me through my busy day but I don't need to pour hundreds of dollars to make sure that people know I am rich.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...


Besides, wait a year or two, and the gadget will be lots better and half the price...