Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Gay Pride Parade - Continued...

Thanks to Rabbi Maryles' heads up on his blog, I came across this article from Haaretz online. Rabbi Maryles addressed the actual protest, which is apparently going to be quite violent. I've already discussed this in this post, so I needn't rehash it. Suffice it to say, though I hoped maybe there would be a different tactic this time. Guess I was wrong.... Oh, well. No surprise, though. Rabbi Maryles covers the rest and I pretty much agree with him.

Instead, I'd like to briefly discuss something else in this article. It seems the Eidah Hachareidis has decided that

All those involved in the matter, those of impure souls and those helping them and guarding them, they will feel in their souls a curse, a bad spirit will come over them and haunt them, they will never be cleansed of their sins, from the judgment of God, in their bodies, their souls and their finances.
Ok, Chareidi dudes. Come on. Do you really think, in 2007, people who are secular, or not Jewish for that matter (how many frum people are marching in the Gay Pride Parade? All who are, please raise your hands...), are going to care about a curse you put on them?! Wake up, you fools!! Aside from the noise you're making, they don't even acknowledge your existence!!

Chareidi dudes, this isn't the Middle Ages and you are not the church. Wake up, join the 21st century, and stop acting like children who stomp their feet and have a temper tantrum every time they don't get their way. Demonstrate peacefully, block the route the GP Parade will take, peacefully, don't burn things, throw rocks, or stab people.

In other words: GROW THE HELL UP!!!


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