Wednesday, February 06, 2008

White Guy...

I was watching an old episode of Quantum Leap recently. For those who don't know the premise of the show, it's about a scientist who time travels into other people and "puts right what once went wrong..." In each episode, he looks in a mirror to show the audience what he looks like. He's been black, white, and a women. It was a fun show and I still enjoy watching it. Well in this one, Sam, the protagonist, "leaps" into the body of a young Native American. He looks in the mirror and says, "Oh, boy! I'm an Indian!" The older Native American with him says, "Could be worse! You could be a White Man, eh?"

I love that! White man, a world minority, has been running things far too long. As Jews, we've suffered more under the White Man (who speaks with forked tongue) than under any other regime, including Arab. When asked, I never say I'm white or Caucasian. I always fill in "other" and type in Jewish. I'm not white and would never want to be considered a "white" man. Ever.

The reason I find this year's election so fascinating is I'm truly hoping Obama is elected president. I think it'd be great to have a young member of the minority in power and show the world not everything depends on the White Man, or woman, for that matter...


Kylopod said...

Your comments reminded me of an exchange somebody at my blog posted from Sami Shalom Shitrit's "Getting to Know a Friendly American Jew: A Conversation."

"Excuse me for prying, but I just have to ask you, are you Jewish or Arab?"

"I'm an Arab Jew."


"Arab Jew? I've never heard of that."

"It's simple: Just the way that you say you're an American Jew. Here, try to say 'European Jews.'"

"'European Jews.'"

"Now, say 'Arab Jews.'"

"You can't compare, European Jews is something else."

"How come?"

"Because 'Jew' doesn't go with 'Arab,' it just doesn't go.... [H]ow can you say 'Arab Jew' when all the Arabs want is to destroy the Jews?"

"And how can you say 'European Jew' when the Europeans have already destroyed the Jews?"

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...


Yehudi Hilchati said...

I'm voting for the best candidate left in the race. That happens to be Obama, irrespective of ethnicity or gender.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Are you black, Hispanic or Asian? No? Do you think that a black, Hispanic or Asian criminal would think that they were victimizing other than a white person just because of what you checked off on a form? I don't think so.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

So, you're saying all Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are criminals? What about a white criminal victimizing another white criminal?

I think you're missing the point, which is COLOR DOESN'T EFFING MATTER!!! Are you a good person or not? I find Obama to be a good person and one who can potentially very much revitalize this country. McCain MIGHT have that potential, but I doubt he could really be effective...