Thursday, February 07, 2008

Political News

So, Romney has dropped out of the race. This is obviously very bad news for the Chareidim in the US, since he was far more Conservative than Senator John McCain. I'm not sure if Romney received Jewish RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Job) endorsements from the likes of Yaakov Menken and Toby Katz, but he must have as his support from the the non-Jewish RWNJ world came from Rush Limbaugh and everyone's favorite slutty anti-Semite, Ann Coulter. And we all know how much Yaakov Menken and Toby Katz just LOVE Ann Coulter (and no, I'm not being sarcastic; they really do LOVE her and will defend her anti-Semitism to the ends of the Earth...).

The problem is this. If Hillary wins the the Democratic Primaries and she runs against John McCain, SHE WILL LOSE and we will be stuck with yet another Republican for at least another four years. Hillary is neither likable nor electable and if she does win the Primaries, it will spell doom for the Democrats in yet another presidential election. This is NOT a good thing. For the first time in many years, the Democrats have a dynamic, wonderful candidate in Barack Obama and I hope they don't screw it up by letting Hillary win. The good news about that is that it's at least John McCain, who is neither stupid nor evil, a deep contrast to our current, fearless leader...

Side note: I still one one of the funniest phrases of the century to be "California Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneger."


Anonymous said...

um. slutty?

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Ann Coulter? Yeah. Slutty...

Kylopod said...

Dialogue from 2008 remake of Back to the Future, about a 2005 teenager who gets accidentally sent back to 1985:

Doc: So tell me, Future Boy, who's governor of California in 2005?

Marty: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Doc: Arnold Schwarzenegger?! The Terminator?! Ha! And who's mayor of a California city, Clint Eastwood?!

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Ah-YUH!!! :)