Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama Speaks to the Cleveland Jewish Community, Frankly and Honestly


In this article, Obama addresses certain concerns that have arisen about him. Specifically, he addresses the following:

1. He expresses his appreciation for Jewish support, and discusses the needs of this country and the need for changes around the world "founded in a view of the world that I believe is deeply embedded in the Jewish tradition."

2. He discusses the controversy surrounding his pastor and Louis Farrakhan, and specifically states he has ALWAYS denounced Farrakhan and his anti-Semitism.

3. He addresses the "Obama is a Muslim" stupidity going around. (By the way, did you know a couple of Hillary campaigners got fired for forwarding that email?)

4. He addresses US-Israel relations. His first statement: "Israel’s security is sacrosanct, is non negotiable."

Again, click for the full article. I'm not responsible for bad spelling and grammar... :)


Anonymous said...

Take it from an Illinois resident, Obama is truly an empty suit with lots of rhetoric and no record. I like him better than Clinton and McCain, but not enough that I would vote for him. He's been involved with some pretty sleazy people in his home state.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Being from Illinois does not make you an expert on Obama. I've been doing lots of research on him over the last several weeks and I respectfully disagree with you.

Also, if you like him better than Clinton or McCain, since those are the three choices, why would you want someone you like less than Obama to become president? Wouldn't voting for Obama as, as you would say, the least of the evils make sense?

Anonymous said...

Obama and his supporters were literally born yesterday - We have a long and steady and accomplished relationship with Hillary!

Hillary Clinton has a very long and solid history with the Jewish Community - not only on matters pertaining to Israel but on a broad range of issues of concern and importance to all types of American Jews. SHe has a a long history of accomplishments, exposure and understanding. Obama is a very relative newcomer with lots of pandering talk and empty hype. We in the Jewish community are loyal to those who have done us well and have proven their sincereity beyond a doubt. Hillary Clinton deseerve our wholehearted support.

Jews in texas and ohio need to appreciate how important their votes really are in making sure the right person gets the nomination. the person who has dedicated herself and worked very very hard and has the record of accomplishments to back it up.

Hillary knows and understands and has always been there for us. Hillary deserves our gratitude.

From her decade long tireless crusade against Palestinian media indoctrination of and abuse of their own children for violence and jihad against israelis western hate through television and textbooks; to pushing for Magen David Adom membership to the International Red Cross; to her vast litany of accomplishments on a wide range of issues of importance and concern to the Jewish community, - be it holocaust reparations, the environent , education or health - Hillary Clinton deserves our votes and support - she has been loyal and true to us, as we should be for her, now more than ever.

Obama has about as much foreign policy understanding as geore W. Bush did in 200.

The Ohio primary is vital to ensuring that Barack Obama does not win the Democratic nomination. A fundamental difference between Obama and Clinton, besides Obama's lack of any substantive experience is his naive approach to foreign policy. When it comes to the real and dangerous threat posed by Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Iran, Obama just does not get it and his approach is frightening. Hillary Clinton through her years of exposure and experience has absorbed much and above all, she understands - Hillary understands. Hillary gets it. Hillary has listened and learned. She will keep listening and doing for us and benefitting us positively if we make the right choice, the smart choice, the logical choice - and, not the empty one. We need to elect president who has accomplished.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Talk about lots of talk and little substance.

I disagree with your take about Obama. Not that I think Hillary would make a bad president. I just think Obama would make a GREAT one. I'm tired of hearing about him having no experience and being a man of little substance. That's just a load of crap, as I've documented over and over on this blog.

However much Hillary might have done for Jews and Jews for her, the same goes for Obama. Just last night by rejecting Farrakhan and his endorsement is a huge step for this man, who wants to bridge the gap between African-Americans and Jews, and between Americans in general. This man is a unifying force who will make this nation great and proud again. Hillary just isn't. She is divisive and times, abrasive, and use old-school politics, which have got to go. When her husband ran for president sixteen years ago, how much experience did he have? Not much. He was the same age Obama is now. He was a governor, a job that doesn't do much to prepare a person for the top political job in the country. Same for Bush. And the difference in their foreign policies are that Obama is ACTUALLY a BRIGHT and SMART person. Bush, well, just isn't. To be frank, he's a complete idiot, an utter dunce. Obama will LEARN what he doesn't know. Bush didn't.

Large portions of the Jewish community have stood behind Obama, including a frum fellow state senator (whose name currently eludes me) from Skokie, IL.

So, you're wrong. We weren't all born yesterday any more than Clinton's were in 1992. And he gave us NAFTA. Whoo-hoo.