Tuesday, February 26, 2008

20th Debate in Cleveland, OH

I thought it was great and will write more about it tomorrow. It was really full of a lot of good points. I just wanted to touch on one, and that was Obama's stance on Jews, anti-Semitism, and Israel. He made not secret of his relationship with the Jewish community, which is GREAT, and how much he appreciates the support of the Jewish community. He detests and will not tolerate anti-Semitism, he denounces Louis Farrakhan and his anti-Jewish rhetoric and is disgusted by it, and he believes the security and existence of Israel is sacrosanct. Period. So for all of you who are so scared about Obama screwing Israel, stop worrying. As a new friend mentioned today, no president is going to say Israel shouldn't exist. Neither will any president say the Palestinian state shouldn't exist. It just won't happen. But NO president or nominee will EVER say Israel's security isn't important.

More tomorrow.

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