Obama Speech in Texas After Winning Wisconsin... Part Two
Part Two (Please scroll down to the post directly below this one for part one):
Anybody out there good at neck-rubs?
Part Two (Please scroll down to the post directly below this one for part one):
Posted by
Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People
2/21/2008 08:25:00 AM
Left Wing Modern Orthodox: 78%
Right Wing Modern Orthodox: 89%
Left Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 37%
Right Wing Yeshivish/Chareidi: 4%
This means you're: Modern Orthodox
What does it mean?
Congratulations. You're Modern Orthodox all right, but wait! Just when you were ready to live an idyllic happily-labeled life they announce Left Wing and Right Wing Modern Orthodoxy. What the heck is up with that? Maybe you need to rethink and refine some of your positions, and then take the test again so I can put you in a little box.
See? I'm not such a Kofer after all!!! :)
I saw this on I think CSPAN when he delivered the speech, and I thought it was just wonderful.
Y'know, lots of people out there are saying he's all words and no substance, as I've been writing about heavily on this blog, and it's such a dumb thing to say. Did they say the same about Lincoln, who was reputed to be a FANTASTIC speaker? JFK? Aside from being a military commander, what experience the George Washington have to become president.
And I think THIS is why Obama is winning and rising above the negative. I'm not some Obama cultist, but I really believe he will do the things he says he will do. He already has a track-record of bringing Republican lawmakers over to his side. It's part of his honesty and charisma that helps him as he seeks to heal the huge rift that has torn this country apart.
And indeed Bill Clinton himself was and is a fantastic speaker.
I'm definitely not a Hillary hater, I've been a "friend of Hillary" for years now, and I don't buy into the anti-Hillary smears.
That said, in addition to thinking he's more electable come Nov., I think that Obama is the most moving and inspiring statesman of our generation, definitely in my memory. He harks back to the "self made man" of the 19th century, and the fact that he's done this on his own, without the pedigree or the money or the power, but has made himself into the candidate we get to look to, is such a breath of fresh air.
I wholeheartedly agree. The thing that just bothers me with Hillary is I can't get myself to like her. I liked her husband fine, and aside from the debacle of NAFTA, I think he made a pretty good president and had the country on track. GW Bush, of course completely derailed all the good Clinton did, and even worsened Clinton's NAFTA mistake by many orders of magnitude.
The other thing with Hillary is that she is simply old school politics, the type of politics we've had to endure until now, and now it's really time for a change.
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