Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hillary Said Today:

I want you to think, Who do you want to have in the White House answering the phone at 3 o'clock in the morning when some crisis breaks out around the world? Who is best prepared to be commander in chief on day one?
Ok. I'm thinking. Hmm. Thinking. SHHH!!! Don't bother me! I'm thinking!

OK, OK, I think I got it.

Um, Barack Obama?

Yeah. Barack Obama. Know why? I trust him. Know why not you, Hillary? Because I don't trust you. At all. You're just some more of that old time politics with which we're all disgusted.

Concluded the former First Lady
We need to have someone who is prepared with solutions to our problems, not just speeches
Again, that'd be Obama. In the couple of days since Obama's Wisconsin win, Hillary has been going on and on and on and on about how Obama's just about words with no substance. In the meantime, Obama's kept quiet, ignoring Hillary and going about his campaign, garnering more and more of Hillary's core would-be voters. So, Hillary, while you're yakkin' it up with the same old lines about Obama's lack of readiness and experience, lines that have not only failed you, but have also backfired on you. Sucks for you, doesn't it? It sucks to have your thunder stolen. You thought you were going to be the best choice out there and it KILLS you that there's someone out there WAY better qualified than you to be president. It must be really eating you up inside, so much so that you can't come up with anything but feeble repeat attempts to discredit someone you have so far failed to discredit.

So, yeah. Hillary, don't ask questions like that. You won't like the answers, as the last eleven primaries have already shown.

I say eleven. In case you hadn't heard, Obama also won the Democrats Abroad primary, the results of which were published today. Not many delegates, but it's still a win, nevertheless.


Anonymous said...

Actually, if the phone rang at 3AM in the white house with a crisis, I'd feel safer with John McCain answering the phone, and I'm not a Republican.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Well, really, it'd depend on the type of crisis, I guess. :)