Wednesday, February 13, 2008

McCain's Idiot Statement of the Week

We do not know for certain who will have the honor of being the Democratic Party's nominee for president. But we know where either of their candidates will lead this country, and we dare not let them.
Um, you dare not let them what? End the illegal, useless war in Iraq? Fix the economy the idiot currently ruling from the White House so handily destroy? Make healthcare more affordable? Lower the cost of living in this country so people can actually afford to live here and not be poor and insanely in debt?

Or is it that we do dare allow the Republicans to remain in power and cause this country to slide further into decline, depression, bad economy, higher education only for the rich, and outsourcing of jobs to other countries, thereby putting hard-working Americans out of work and into debt and poverty.

Hmm. Tough choice there, John.

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