Monday, February 18, 2008

Republicans Bite Themselves in the Rear, or, Republican Boneheaded Idiocy of the Week...

And that's saying it nicely! Apparently, because John McCain, the frontrunner and very likely Republican nominee for president, doesn't quite jive with Republican ideologues (at least according to far Right Wing Nut Job icons like Rush Limbaugh), some Republicans are saying they would rather NOT vote than vote for McCain, long considered a "liberal" Republican, or Conservative, or whatever.

In other words, these RWNJs are saying they'd rather not vote for a Republican because he's too liberal for their tastes, thus giving whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee (hopefully Obama) an even better chance of winning the elections in November and taking the White House away from the Republican party!

How, pray tell, does this make sense?! And these are the people with whom Chareidi RWNJs like Toby Katz and Yaakov Menken want to associate and identify and for whom they want to vote?!

Here's the pertinent quote from an article about this:

In one indication of doubts about McCain, evangelical leader James Dobson said this month he would not vote for McCain if he became the nominee, raising the possibility that some Republicans would sit out the November 4 election.
To see the Reuters article, click.

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