Thursday, April 03, 2008

Somebody's Getting Desperate...

Hillary's REALLY getting desperate. Both she and her husband are losing it. Now she's flat out using fear tactics and pure passion with no logic or intellect behind it, claiming simply, whimpering really: "Obama Can't Win." No real reason. Just her own fear of realizing she's going to lose the race. Check this out:


Miriam said...

Hi Barack,

Did you ever get my email?

Also, may i ask why do you support Obama? Only because --and I don't support anybody- McCain seems like an old dog who won't do much different from what he speaks and he seems to have positive thoughts on Israel-(I think?) But Obama seems very vague.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

I did. And I will email back. We've just been trying to get through taxes (yet another $12,000 coming from I have no idea where...).

If you go to Obama's site and check out his foreign policy, he has a two page fact sheet about Israel, and it's no different than that of any other president.

Every president, no matter how liberal or conservative, believes Israel's security to be paramount, believes there MUST be a two state solution, and believes the two should live side by side in peace.

Also, I NEVER vote based on Israel policy. I vote based on US domestic policy. Israel is VERY capable of taking care of herself if the US gets a not-good-for-Israel president, but again, NO president will EVER deviate from the three points I listed above.

On the other hand, McCain would be terrible for the economy the Republicans have brought (we're basically in a recession, possibly a DEPression because of Republican economic policies and their illegal war in Iraq, despite what the Federal Reserve and the White House says - it's not based on negative growth so much as how many people are out of work and on how bad business is for many people). McCain's economic "plan" is more of the same Republican crap that's been going on as the Republicans had their merry little way with the US and raped this country to the brink of depression.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have solid economic plans to pull the country back from that brink.

Kylopod said...

I would like to look into the information in the following article:

McCain said as recently as a year ago that he would take Middle East advice from the first President Bush’s top foreign policy team, who were perceived as cool on Israel. Baker and McCain recently held a joint news conference, during which McCain accepted the former secretary of state’s endorsement.

Kylopod said...

Sorry wrong link. The actual article is

Miriam said...

Gosh, this is all so confusing. lol