Wednesday, April 02, 2008

McCain Wouldn't Know Reality If It Came Up To Him, Introduced Itself, and Bit Him on the Nose...

McCain has stated Americans are "too cynical."

And here, folks is what McCain thinks of Americans and their intelligence levels:

U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain believes many Americans are cynical about their country, and their idea of liberty is "the right to choose among competing brands of designer coffee."
Well, that'll certainly get ya lots of votes, John.
"Many Americans are indifferent to or cynical about the virtues that our country claims," the former Vietnam prisoner of war will say.

In part, he says, it is because some have suffered economic dislocations while others profit as never before, and in part, it is a "reaction to government's mistakes and incompetence and to the selfishness of some public figures."

He comes close to calling some Americans spoiled, saying they are cynical because "the ease which wealth and opportunity have given their lives led them to the mistaken conclusion that America, and the liberties its system of government is intended to protect, just aren't important to the quality of their lives."

Skepticism is healthy, he will say, "But when healthy skepticism sours into corrosive cynicism our expectations of our government become reduced to the delivery of services. And to some people the expectations of liberty are reduced to the right to choose among competing brands of designer coffee."
Yeah. In other words, the reality that we are very much in a recession, possibly even a depression according to a friend of mine who works at the Federal Reserve (and he acknowledges the Fed knows it but won't admit it) has nothing to do with how people are feeling.

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