Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You Can Relax Now...:)

Ok, all you RWNJs! You can relax now! My stint over at DovBear has ended after a week of fun!

It was really funny. I posted about Jews living in Big Cities, and people got offended. I posted a viable solution to the price of kosher meat, which was to call your local wholesaler and buy from him, and people got offended. So, I figured, if people are going to be offended anyway, I might as well post something a little more controversial and did a "Chareidi" bashing post, though it was pretty toned-down for me. And funny, no one really got offended in the comments!!

I just don't get it! :)

Anyway, I'd like to publicly thank DovBear for the opportunity to post my thoughts on his blog and look forward to future opportunities to post there again. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sell yourself short. At least one moderately conservative atheist Jew thinks you're dead wrong about most issues. :)

Keep up the good work.