Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Larry "Gay" Craig Never Been Gay

In yet another Republican scandal, Idaho Senator Larry Craig proclaimed that "I am not gay. I have never been gay." Read the article here.


Anonymous said...

And what a sad commentary that he thinks it's being gay he has to deny. Dude. You tried to solicit sex in a public room and you are Hypocracy incarnate. Let's keep our eyes on the ball, shall we?

Anonymous said...

p.s. Whoah. That was one heck of an unintended pun in my post. Sorry 'bout that. :o)

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...


Yeah, I don't care if the dude's gay, or has ever been. But don't be a whore.

Ah, Republicans!!! :)

Oh, and I didn't try to solicit sex in a public restroom. I'M not a hypocrite! That's Craig!! :0)