Wednesday, August 29, 2007

HODS - Halachic Organ Donor Society

Enigma 4U, guest posting over at DovBear, pointed us readers toHODS - Halachic Organ Donor Society. See, most people, myself included, who are frum, believe it is assur to become an organ donor. Apparently, this is not the case. Many, many rabbis have cards from HODS, the Halachic Organ Donor Society. Some of these rabbis include two from my own community, Rabbi Moshe Tendler, Rabbi Maurice Lamm, Rabbi Norman Lamm, and a large number of others.

Check it out, and if you can, get your own Halachic Organ Donor Card. The fee is $18, and the return is the possibility of saving someone's life.

I know it's kind of morbid, but remember, when people die, all that's going to happen is their organs are going to rot away anyway. Why not actually put them to good use and save a life or two?

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