Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Emmanuel Follow-Up

Remember the about the Bais Yaakov in Emmanuel and the segregating, completely, of Sfardi girls from Ashkenazi ones? I originally heard of this story from DovBear. Here's an account from an old friend of the family who lives there. I've changed or deleted names to protect the innocent (myself, and you, the readers) from Lashon Hara...

Yes, they separated out the Ashkenazi and Sfardi girls--and the old minehelet (principal) is now head of the Sfardi girls.

Seems the Ashkenazi wanted their own school but couldn't afford it, so they decided to hire their own principal (I have no idea whom) and stay on in the original Beis Yaacov building. That's how the original principal ended up being in control of Sfardi girls, by default, since she was not going to quit her job.

This is probably going to end up in court because it is so crazy and wrong. I am so blessed not to have girls and to have no children in the schools here. Although, the obvious solution is to pull your girls out of Beis Yaacov and send them to the Chabad school where everyone is equal and where there is no prejudice based on origin.

If enough mothers did that, the whole Beis Yaacov school would collapse because there would not be enough students to get money from the State to run the school. Money talks. They should vote with their feet. Sorry to tell you the story is true!!
Now, I'm NOT going to comment about Chabad schools treating everyone, even those who are not Lubavitch, equally... :) But, yeah, this confirms the story is true. Officially, apparently, in the non-Torah-observant "Chareidi," Sefaradim are not good enough any longer... Maybe they should consider homeschooling, an idea that's seems like it'll start taking off in the Jewish community in the US as tuition costs soar (and salaries don't!).

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