Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bush is Gonna Veto Again!!

Gee, what a surprise. Congress passed a Child Healthcare bill that is apparently very popular and would provide healthcare to children in low income families that make too much to get Medicaid. But Bush wants to veto the bill, again, because to pay for it congress would raise taxes. Not taxes on you or me, mind you. Taxes on tobacco, raising the tax on a pack of cigs by sixty-one cents, to one dollar tax per pack. But, Bush, ever the anti-tax raiser (God forbid you should raise taxes a bit to help the less fortunate), says he'll veto the bill because no tax raising will go on on his watch! Nuh, uh. No way, no how. Well, except for raising taxes to pay for his illegal war, as I reported in early October in this post.. To see the article, click!


Anonymous said...

and if he did raise taxes I guess you'd then complain about that.

why SHOULD taxes be raised to pay for children's health care? Their parents should pay for their health care.

And how is this war illegal? Annoying long, perhaps, without an end in sight, but illegal?

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

I would complain if it was for a war that was completely unnecessary and began on false pretenses.

And what if their parents can't afford it? Screw 'em, their poor, so they don't deserve help? To hell with them? Do you realize in ALL other first world countries that taxes pay for socialized medicine where EVERYONE gets healthcare? This is the only country where this is NOT the case. I'm not saying socialized medicine is great and has no flaws, but the system, or rather, lack thereof, in the US is completely broken.

But, obviously, you're what I call a RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Job) and your motto, like that of all RWNJs, is if you can't afford it, tough shit on you and if your kids get sick, though luck buddy, enjoy the funeral when they die. You, like most RWNJs, are just a LOVELY person... Ick.

Anonymous said...

This is so typical. He won't stand for an outrage such as a 61 cent tax, that would just be unconscionable. But many thousands of children being denied health care? That's not nearly as bad. Much better to make children and their hard-working parents suffer than to impose a 61-cent tax.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Of course! That's the Republican party for you! Ick.