Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nature Walk

My family and I and a friend went on a nature walk at a (relatively) local arboretum. We really enjoyed the absolutely incredible Fall colors and took lots of pictures. And, being originally from LA, where Fall colors are a COMPLETE unknown, we really appreciated the nature's beauty, even though this is already are third Fall in the Midwest.

This Arboretum had many trails to take, and each trail had its own subtrails that branched off in different directions. All were equally beautiful and breathtaking, and as many as we took, there were many more we just didn't have the time to enjoy, though we knew those were just as beautiful as the ones we did have the chance to enjoy. And each trail, finally, led back to the main trail, which led to the main building that was the Arboretum Visitor Center.

The same applies to the trails of Torah Judaism. I'm not talking about fanatics on either side of the spectrum. I'm talking about middle of the road Torah, the "Lo Sasur Yamin O Smol" - no Right or Left deviation - type of Torah paths. Each is beautiful. Each has its own subtrails that take each person to his or her own place on the road to a Torah lifestyle. None of us can explore EVERY single one of these, but we can all explore many of them, taking those subtrails that might even intersect with other subtrails and carry a person to places one cannot predict, and no one path is more correct than another. And yet, there's comfort in knowing ALL these trails have their own special beauty, and even when we disagree with one derech or another, we know they are STILL LEGITIMATE forms of Torah Lifestyles that ALL lead to Avodas Hashem, and, regardless of the path one takes, one will always enjoy that beauty and grow and achieve an even greater appreciation of God, His World, and His Torah.

My wife, author of Life and Debt in Ohio, will post more on this topic, Bli Neder (according to her...), tomorrow, so please visit her blog as well... :)

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