Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Keep Forgetting to Mention...

I know it's a bit late, but I keep forgetting to post my favorite proof from the Torah itself that Chumrahs are not only stupid, they can lead to sinning rather than distance a person from sinning. The proof? Chava, of course. Adam relayed the mitzvah to her to not EAT from the Eitz Hada'as. Chava decided to take on the Chumra of not TOUCHING the tree. The result? Well, basically, eternal human damnation. All because someone took on a Chumra...

Remember, the Torah tells us not to deviate RIGHT or left. It mentions RIGHT first for a reason. Usually, when one drifts to the right, it means they're taking on more than they need, and when one drifts to the left, it means they're not doing enough. God warned us not to deviate in either direction, but He said RIGHT first because it's so much easier to become a Right Wing Nut Job (RWNJ) and keep taking on every chumra that comes along and try to pass off as "frummer" than thou. Chumras do not make one frummer. If anything, they will ultimately cause people to sin even worse than if they simply follow the Mitzvos without all the extraneous stuff.