Monday, January 14, 2008

One of My Favorite Euphemisms...

...Is "Torah True Judaism," which as we all know, is anything but... Here is yet another example of how "Torah True Judaism" is not quite what it claims to be... Oh, and in case you want to harass them and can't read their phone number, it's 718-384-6765/8 and fax is 718-963-0494.

There are so many things wrong with this ad, I'm not sure where to start. For the most part, it speaks for itself. One main point I'd like to make: These are people who have no Bitachon in Hashem and completely reject basic tenets of Judaism. How do they know the state of Israel is not Reishis Tzemichas Geulasainu - the beginning of the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael to a complete Geula, which it is certainly proving to be? Who said the Geula and the coming of Moshiach was going to be miraculous? Why can't it happen through seemingly natural means, the way God LIKES to perform miracles, by NOT breaking the laws of nature or history. And the state of Israel is a great example of this.

These people are Reshaim Gemurim and don't really deserve to be called Jews, much less frum Jews.

Hattip: Olam HaSheker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is finally proof what we knew all along - that Neturei Karta & Satmar are one and the same! What can Satmar's motivation be other than to promote the fundamentalism and machlokes that was the hallmark of the late leader, R' Yoel Teitelbaum: Hate everyone not like you.

The timing could not have been worse. The opinion expressed in the New York Times advertisement - paid for by the bottomless chest of government and kashrus money - will be directly responsible for inciting more hatred and violence against ALL Jews living in Israel and the diaspora. Let us hope that the Jewish community as a whole will stop pandering to the Satmar terrorists! I for one, will not by a product certified by Satmar's CRC organization. Spread the word!