Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Egotistical United States

The United States Government, at least its leading members, seem to have these egos that won't quit and have a penchant for deciding what's best for other nations. And in most cases, those decisions lead to disaster in the long run. Do the short term benefits of such decisions outweigh the long-term consequences? I believe they do NOT.

In the 1970s, the US BACKED Saddam Hussein. BACKED HIM! In the 1980s, there was Iran Contra and Manuel Noriega (and boy, was that a mistake). Noriega actually WORKED for the CIA! There was also Afghanistan. In all these cases, the US later came to regret supporting these criminals. Its ego, or rather, that of its leaders, led to major offensives in those countries (Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan) that led to major war spending and debt. Worst of all, it led to thousands of needless American deaths.

Now, Bush has decided it is time to create yet ANOTHER criminal regime (not unlike previous presidents, Democrat and Republican). He has ORDERED (yes, ORDERED) Israel to stop building in territories rightfully belonging to Israel (conquered in wars started by the Arabs, not Israel). Where will this lead? By installing another terrorist, Abbas (yes, a terrorist, whose foremost action was his masterminding and funding the Munich Massacre in 1972), what will the outcome be? Another terrorist state, or one run by a dictator? And this one right next to Israel, actually surrounding Israel on two fronts?

This is not good, folks. The US needs to stop this policy of installing rulers where they should not rule... It only leads to disaster, as we've seen time and again in the last several decades...

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