Friday, January 04, 2008


Is he the right man for the job? I think he might be. Can the country stand to have a black president? Well, if we're all ready for change anyway, and many, many of us are, then what better beacon of change can there be?


Rafi G. said...

I have no problem with a black prez. My one concern is his lack of experience, but I am not sure that is so bad, considering most of what they do is affected by their advisers and appointments. So as long as he picks good people around him, he should be fine.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Keep in mind also that experience isn't NECESSARILY a good thing either. GW Bush had "experience" as a politician and has managed to royally mess up the US and its economy. Personally, I think someone "inexperienced" but with a fresh perspective might be better...