Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chareidim Strike Again

So, as is well-known by now, a bunch of Ramat Bet Shemesh Chareidi thugs from the fringe beat the crap out of a Chareidi fellow named Tuvia Stern and vandalized his car. They actually put the poor guy in the hospital! Why? Because he's been one of the decent people actually fighting this fringe nuttiness known as Chareidism. These fringe nuts are people who are trying to create Charedi-ban out of Ramat Bet Shemesh. And, in the name of God and Emes, he got the crap beat out of him. Isn't that lovely? You can check out the stories on DovBear.

The Chareidi world is starting to collapse in on itself. Correction: It's been collapsing in on itself for quite a while, now. They did it to Rabbi Slifkin and numerous others, and this last incident is just another bit of proof that Chareidim on the Fringe are simply not frum, and are just as "beyond the pale" as many to the far left of Judaism, perhaps, no, CERTAINLY even more so. How many Orthodox female rabbis do YOU know who beat up other people?


I was going to post a while ago about Areivus and how it applies to these people. In the end, it simply doesn't! How can the rest of Klal Yisrael be responsible for people, animals, really, who are completely out of control and are getting worse by the day? How can people try to stem the craziness when all they get for their troubles is a good, old fashion, Southern USA, ca. 1950, beating? Where does Areivus come in here? I CERTAINLY refuse to be responsible for these people, and I've OFTEN implied this on my blog. How DARE Jews strike other Jews?! Whatever happened to "Rasha, Lama Takeh Rei'Acha?!"

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