Thursday, May 03, 2007

Olmert = Bush

Ok, for those of you who don't know me, here is what I think of Bush. And Olmert, for that matter.

Yes, I hate Bush. Can't stand him. Counting down the days till he's out of office.

Yet another difference between me and Chareidim...And many Religious Zionists, for that matter.

You see, I understand Chareidim thinking Bush and his Republicans are so great because of the religious thing. Ok. I don't agree, but I understand, even though they don't realize Bush believes, and has actually said that Jews are going to burn in Hell for eternity because they rejected Jesus. Whatever.

Religious Zionists who think Bush is so great for Israel (not all of them believe this, but enough do because they don't actually analyze the situation) are just plain wrong. Sure, at a glance, Bush has been good for Israel and supported her policies. Great. However, by waging his illegal war in the Middle East, which he started based on completely false and dishonest pretences (WMDs, right...sure...whatever), has caused the Arab world to hate the West, and more specifically, the United States, even more than they already did, and by orders of magnitude. Now, then, who is the United States' proxy, at least in Arab eyes in the Middle East? Hmmm. Let's see. It's the only real democracy, it's mostly Jewish, and it's a sore spot in the Arab World. Oh, yeah! Israel! So, as if they didn't have enough reason before to hate the Jews and Israel, now they all hate it even more!

So, is Bush really good for Israel in the long run? NO!!! He's causing irreparable damage!!

Well, that's my political tirade of the day.

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