Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Chareidi World

Just a small note - when I speak of the Chareidi world, I'm not talking about people like my next door neighbor, whose middos, and those of his children, are exemplary and who doesn't look down at people who don't do the things he does. People like him have my complete respect and are certainly members of the Orthodox world.

When I talk about the Chareidi/Yeshivish world, I'm talking about the RWNJs (Right Wiing Nut Jobs) who run around saying no one to the left of them is frum at all. These are the people who have extricated themselves from the Klal. These are people who have no concept of Bein Adam L'Chaveiro - how to treat others who don't follow their practices with respect.

Unfortunately, these RWNJs are a loud and powerful minority who have, quite successfully, taken control of many aspect of daily Jewish life.

Sorry if my earlier posts were misunderstood.

1 comment:

Selena said...

Thanks for the clarification. that makes much more sense :)