Monday, December 10, 2007

Chanukah = Succos

You know, I've been thinking a lot about the whole thing with Channukah being a postponed Succos (see the מגילת אנטיוכוס -חנוכה). As I understand it, there is no mention of the oil miracle in the Books of the Maccabees.

We say in Maoz Tzur "Bnei Binah Yemei Shmona Kav'u Shir U'Renanim." What if indeed, Channukah was originally just a postponed Succos, but Chazal wanted to preserve it for generations rather than have it be forgotten in a couple of years. Had they left it as just a Succos celebration, that is probably exactly what would have happened. It simply would have been completely forgotten.

However, by putting a spin on the holiday and putting so much emphasis on the oil lasting eight days rather than on the fact that that particular Channukah was simply a postponed Succos and a victory-over-the-Greeks celebration, they were able to preserve Channukah permanently.

Now, whether the oil thing really happened is probably relatively irrelevant. Could it have happened? Certainly. Might it have happened? I don't know. Certainly, the "Hester Panim" rule was already long in place and this would very clearly violate that rule. Did a miracle happen for the rest of it, but completely naturally? Did "rabim B'Yad Me'Atim" etc. actually take place? I believe it did. It certainly wouldn't be the last time. Look at modern day Israel. Further, even in times of "Gilui Panim," when Hashem takes a direct and obvious role in events, even then He prefers to use natural means (see this post starting in the middle with the paragraph "Next example."

And perhaps THAT'S what Chazal wanted to preserve and they knew they could only preserve it because people naturally respond strongly to the SUPER-natural and remember it for a long time. They don't respond as strongly to the natural and even the Chashomonaim winning the war might have been quickly forgotten, especially considering their antics (becoming not-so-great rulers) once the war ended.

Further, what would it have meant to future generations had Chanukah been preserved as a "postponed" Succos celebration? Not a whole lot. Which is why it most probably would have been forgotten.

Keep in mind also that Al Hanissim makes almost no mention of the oil (it just says "hidliku neiros b'chatzros kodshecah" and has NO mention of the OIL miracle of eight days AT ALL. In fact, the emphasis in Al Hanissim is the war and God delivering the strong/impure into the hands of the weak/pure, etc. Even the wording in Maoz Tzur is vague, at best. "U'Mi'Nosar Kankanim, Na'asa Nes La'Shoshanim," from what was left of the jugs, a miracle was performed for the Shoshanim, another name for Kohanim. It really doesn't mention the oil LASTING eight days. It mentions a miracle happening for the Kohanim, the Maccabees, that miracle probably being the winning of the war against all odds.

Well, anyway, just a Chanukah thought we've been kicking around here for the last few days. Happy Chanukah!

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