Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And the Liar of the Year Award Goes To...

The envelope, please:Ismael Haniyeh, Hamas "Prime Minister" in Gaza. He wants a cease fire from Israel (by the way, the article's headline is also quite misleading: "Hamas seeks truce talks with Israel."):

Al-Shafi told The Associated Press that the Hamas leader complained that Israeli attacks have foiled his attempts to halt the rocket fire. Islamic Jihad, a smaller militant group, has been responsible for most of the rocket fire out of Gaza since Hamas seized control of the area last June.

"I am always trying to stop the rockets from all factions, especially Islamic Jihad, but Israel's assassinations always catch me off guard and spoil my attempts," the reporter quoted Haniyeh as saying.
Isn't that just LOVELY? What a liar.


Tsofah said...

Deceptive headlines from mainstream media is the norm recently.

I really enjoyed reading your blog, btw!

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

I appreciate the compliment!

Have you been reading the blog long?

Tsofah said...

Just during the past month, from time to time. :-)

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

I'm just curious because there are posts here that are not exactly Christian friendly. I checked out your blog a bit and am very impressed to find you so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish. Care to give me a story?

I'm always open to other viewpoints, as long as they are logical and well-thought-out. I take it you're not a Right Wing Christian, and it seems you don't like our president all that much, so we have some things in common! :) Feel free to email me. You can find my email address on my profile page.